Saturday, October 10, 2009

Mind numbing

Ever have those days when you know that you should have just stayed in bed? well today was one of those days. It is only October 10Th, and there is a lot of snow on the ground now. i woke up and looked outside my apartment just to see my car covered. that should have been the indicator to climb back into my bed. so instead of driving to work, i just walked there. i don't live that far from my job, so instead of seeing how my new car handles on the ice, i bundled up and trekked outside.
i got to work at just before 7am, changed into my work uniform (I'm a cook at a local restaurant) and started my shift. I stepped onto the floor to head to the cooking area when there was a commotion at one of the tables.
there was a family there early in the morning starting to enjoy their breakfast. an older gentleman with his two sons and their wives were together. there were only a few of us starting that early, myself, two other waitresses and the manager. the older gentlemen suffered a heart attack as soon as the waitress started to bring them their food.
it happened so fast. it did not even click on what was going on first off. i saw him start to shake a lot like he was getting electrocuted, then he slumped over. the family had him on the ground so fast to start CPR. my manager was on the phone calling 911 and the waitresses redirecting the other customers to the other side of the restaurant. and me? well i still had to cook the bills that were coming in, in direct viewing of the whole thing...
almost twenty minutes pass, the paramedics arrive and take over for the family. it takes it a while before they move him, as they had to stop and give him CPR on i don't know how many more occasions.
by this time now my mind has gone numb. I'm crying as I'm cooking because all i can see is this mans family standing over the paramedics shock playing on their faces.
and that was just my morning. just the first 20 minutes of my 7 hour shift. and let me tell you it was just a long and dragging day. the other cook did not show up for her shift so i was stuck there cooking with just the backup on one of the busiest days ever not getting a break until i left at two.
Well everyone i do hope that you had a way better day that i did, and i hope that i will write a more happier post soon.


  1. Oh man! I would have freaked out. Do you know if he made it? I hope so.

  2. No he died in the restaurant while they were working on him :(
